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Friday, December 01, 2006

Food Porn Friday - 7

Easy North Carolina-Style Half Picnic Shoulder
(from the Lee Bros. Southern Cookbook)

"Well, I'lllll Be!"

This looks like Le Creuset abuse, but don't worry - it washed right off.

Hushpuppies and Mashed Sweet Potatoes optional...



Blogger Guy said...

Hmm, nothin' wrong with that. You get any vinegar based sauce going?

I watched Justin Wilson make hush puppies last night. Man, they looked GREAT. But yours are better because they aren't on tv from 35 years ago.


9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whew, Kev! I just checked out Dr Biggles (wow), The Lee Brothers Cookbook (DID YOU BUY THAT? $35?...expensive!)...but by the looks of your creation, it looks worth it. YOUR Pics WERE porno almost....I could get more "satisfaction" had I been there to nosh down on a slab-o-ham, some hush puppies (yum).......WHEW! Great DAY for you to post this...it's GREY, WET and cold here.

10:04 AM  
Blogger Dive said...


This is made with the vinegar sauce famous in Eastern North Carolina (as a marinade and a dipping sauce).

I've slow roasted pork plenty of times using the standard paprika/brown sugar rub, but I'm pretty pleased with how the vinegar marinade worked. This is also the first time I've roasted a pork butt in a dutch oven.

I'll be posting the recipe soon.


4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yee-haw! Now that looks like some good eatin'. And don't you love how Le Creuset just cleans up purty like?

8:11 AM  

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