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Friday, December 29, 2006

Food Porn Friday - 8

I'm baaaack!

Well, kinda. How about some good ol' fashioned Food Porn?

Yayyy! I know you're excited too!

I've been cooking a lot of Southern food lately (no, not Southern California) and trying to eat in season as much as possible. So that's what you'll see below. Also, I've temporarily turned on this comment moderation thingy, NOT because you all are bad kiddies, but because there are a few folks out there getting paid to post URLs and we here at the Almighty Press aint down with that.

Still, if you've got something to say, say it (don't spray it).

Just to check in with you a little: My mind is completely sucked into the cuisines of the Appalachian South. It's all I've been thinking about (other than Asian-American-owned Coffee Shops and Diners). In addition to canning stuff, eating cornbread, and saying "Well, I'll BE!", I've been clogging around the house when no one's around to see me AND I've started volunteering to help with the SF Bluegrass Festival (happening in February) and have already met some cool and interesting people!

By the way, does everyone have their blackeyed peas and collard greens ready for Monday? Well, you better get going! Even in San Francisco, it is impossible to find these two things the closer you get to New Year's Day. Whole Foods down on 4th Street still has blackeyed peas in their bulk section (they were on sale when I bought them). They also have organic collard greens on sale for 99 cents a bunch (but it'll take several bunches to make just a little).

Okay! Enough yapping! Bring on the Porn!

Fried Boneless Pork Chops with Gravy and Roasted Turnips

Fried Chicken Breasts and Skillet Cornbread

I should add that it's fried in duck fat that I saved from when I last roasted a duck.

Oh, and it's not really food related, but my cousin recently sent me a photo of Grandma and Pop when they were young and in love. I'm posting it only to make me happy.

And yes, those are Pop's ears (I didn't inherit those, thank god).



Blogger Cali said...

My Dad has those same ears. Only maybe bigger. All of his brothers have satelite dishes on the sides of their heads, too. And like you I thank G-d every day that I didn't get them.

3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well maybe I have your Dad's ears. What does THAT mean? Duck FAT! You fried this in Duck Fat? Wow. No wonder this is Food PORN..........

Does your MOTHER know about these postings? Hah.

10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Born and raised in North Carolina on this very cuisine.Yummy! Great pictures-makes me want my nanny's home cookin'!

8:48 PM  

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