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Friday, November 17, 2006

Food Porn Friday - 5

San Francisco* Sourdough Starter

*South of Market, to be precise.

Out with the old...

...in with the new.

See you soon.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm ... we had a starter going for a couple of years. Perhaps it's time to start one up again. Then we can have a comparative tasting: Does SOMA or Noe Valley taste better? :-)

9:22 AM  
Blogger Dive said...


I'm pretty sure they all taste the same, but I had a fun idea once to start sourdough starters in various parts of the city, dry them, package them, and then label them by neighborhood. I would then sell or give these away to people. It would've been cute.

Maybe a good project for your or someone to start.

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY! I'll buy some-0-that sourdough starter. YOU BOYS been busy roasting and fermenting. Your place must have a nice toasty smell by now, eh? Love what you're doing. I gotta get my sour dough starter back outta the garage fridge, thanks for the reminder. NOW that we have the fool-proof bread recipe (no knead), I want to try the sourdough. so thanks again for the reminder and the posts.

11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY............I've been waiting all week to see a picture of a beautiful loaf of sourdough bread......are you still fermenting, er, I mean is the dough fermenting? You've got us waiting....up here in the lonely rain.

9:30 AM  

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